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Commands reference
Here is a nowhere near comprehensive list of the commands that can be used on the Celestial Expanse
General commands
Generic commands that don't really fit in any category.
CommandDescription/helpDisplays links to various resources such as the official website./recipesOpens a GUI where you can browse the many custom crafting recipes on the server./voteDisplays links to where you can vote for the server. (Excellent command, should use)/afkDisplays a message in chat notifying other online players that you are AFK. (Away From Keyboard)/kitLists available kits, use /kit {kit name} to claim the kit./es {line number} {new text}Used to edit signs, updates the text at the given line.playerlistdiscord server only use on the server-chat channels to view currently online players.
Cargo / Trade sector commands
All cargo / trade sector related commands, see Trade sectors for more info
CommandDescription/cargoBase cargo command, displays a list of cargo commands./cargo prices buy {sector planet}View the current prices to buy from the cargo sector at {sector planet}./cargo prices sell {sector planet}View the current sell prices to the cargo sector at {sector planet}.
Movecraft commands
CommandDescription/pilot {craft type}Attempts to pilot the craft you are in as the given craft type./releaseReleases your currently piloted craft./manoverAlias for /manoverboard, allows you to teleport back to your piloted craft for a short period after leaving it./cruiseToggles cruising your craft in the direction you are facing./rotate {direction}Rotates your craft to face in the given direction. (left / right)/contactsLists all contacts. (nearby crafts)