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Fabrication / Ship printing

Fabricators allow you to easily save and print ships wherever you need them

Saving ships

Before printing a ship, you will need to save it as a structure, to do so pilot the ship you want saved and type /fab save {ship name} make sure the name is short enough to fit on the single line of a sign.

Once the command is run, the craft will be released and you will get an estimated length/width/height message in chat. The ship is now being saved, this can take a while - particularly if it is a large craft.

Once the craft is done being saved, you will get a message in chat similar to Finished Producing Savestate For {ship name}

Managing saved ships

To view your saved ships, you can run the /fab list command, this will list all craft you have currently saved.

You can view the price of a craft (the total cost of every block, assuming you will need them all fabricated) with /fab price {ship name}

If you no longer need a craft savestate, you can delete it with /fab delete {ship name} This cannot be undone!

Printing ships

Now for the important bit - actually printing your ship!

To print your saved ships you will need a fabricator, this is a multiblock structure. To make one just place a wall sign with Fabricatorwritten on the top line and the name of the ship to be printed on the bottom line, above a lecturn.

A fabricator multiblock

By default, you will be charged a certain amount per block, but any items in container blocks (chests, barrels, shulker boxes.) within a 3.5 radius of the fabricator, will be used in the ship, for instance if you have a stack of white wool in a chest next to the fabricator, and your craft requires white wool in it's design, the fabricator will automatically take what it needs, and charge you for any extra blocks that aren't included.

Once you are ready for the ship to be printed, right-click the sign.

If something goes wrong and you need to stop it while being fabricated, run /fab cancel this will immediately stop the craft from being printed.

Fabricator block prices

Here is a reformatted list of how much each block will cost to be fabricated, taken from the official fabricator prices page

All prices accurate on 2020/05/01

Block Price amethyst block 1000 smithing table 750 budding amethyst 2700 small amethyst bud 750 medium amethyst bud 1250 honey block 125 honeycomb block 95 large amethyst bud 2500 amethyst cluster 4500 clay block 15 clay 15 end rod 12.5 tripwire 12.5 tripwire hook 12.5 light weighted pressure plate 25 heavy weighted pressure plate 25 deepslate 30 cobbled deepslate 30 polished deepslate 30 deepslate brick 30 cracked deepslate brick 30 deepslate tile 30 cracked deepslate tile 30 chiseled deepslate 30 cobbled deepslate wall 30 polished deepslate wall 30 deepslate brick wall 30 deepslate tile wall 30 cobbled deepslate stairs 30 polished deepslate stairs 30 deepslate brick stairs 30 deepslate tile stairs 30 cobbled deepslate slab 30 polished deepslate slab 30 deepslate brick slab 30 deepslate tile slab 30 moss carpet 25 moss block 25 brewing stand 12.5 soul sand 12.5 soul soil 12.5 target 25 tinted glass 25 cobweb 2.5 dirt 2.5 grass block 12.5 mossy cobblestone 25 infested mossy stone brick 25 mossy stone brick 25 mossy cobblestone wall 25 mossy stone brick wall 25 calcite 35 tuff 25 sponge 25 diorite 5 andesite 5 granite 5 polished diorite 20 polished andesite 20 polished granite 20 gold ore 5000 iron ore 2500 coal ore 1200 emerald ore 1500 lapis ore 4400 lapis lazuli ore 4400 lapis block 7260 redstone ore 4500 diamond ore 7500 raw gold block 900 copper block 450 raw copper block 7500 raw iron block 9800 deepslate gold ore 5750 deepslate iron ore 2500 deepslate coal ore 1000 deepslate emerald ore 7500 deepslate redstone ore 9000 deepslate diamond ore 12500 deepslate lapis ore 2200 deepslate lapis lazuli ore 2200 observer 45 blast furnace 100 coal block 3600 netherite block 9999999 ancient debris 9999999 diamond block 27500 hopper 115 cobblestone 15 cobblestone wall 17.5 stone 15 ladder 5 enchanting table 500 workbench 20 barrel 25 dispenser 25 note block 3600 mushroom stem 2500 piston 25 sticky piston 45 piston head 25 gold block 10000 iron door 75 oak door 45 warped door 45 spruce door 45 jungle door 45 birch door 45 acacia door 45 dark oak door 45 iron block 12000 grindstone 500 oak door 15 sandstone 25 smooth stone 40 smooth sandstone 40 smooth red sandstone 40 bookshelf 50 bricks 15 stone brick 15 stone bricks 15 chiseled stone brick 20 grass 25 obsidian 150 torch 5 redstone torch 7.5 purpur block 45 chest 25 trapped chest 45 crafting table 10 furnace 45 lever 5 powered iron door 75 powered redstone lever 5 redstone lever 5 stone pressure plate 15 redstone wire 12.5 redstone dust 12.5 repeater 25 jukebox 300 basalt 25 netherrack 10 nether brick 25 glowstone 30 sea lantern 125 end stone 100 redstone block 100 oak trapdoor 5 spruce trapdoor 5 birch trapdoor 5 jungle trapdoor 5 dark oak trapdoor 5 acacia trapdoor 5 crimson trapdoor 5 warped trapdoor 5 iron bar 90 huge mushroom stem 75 iron bars 90 ender rod 50 iron trapdoor 45 top-half iron trapdoor 45 any stairs 55 quartz stairs 55 redstone lamp 60 lit redstone lamp 60 emerald block 3500 beacon 360 chain 12.5 copper stairs 15 cut copper stairs 15 copper slab 15 cut copper slab 15 copper 15 cut copper 15 wall 40 button 5 stone button 5 polished blackstone pressure plate 7.5 polished blackstone button 5 any wall 40 any button 5 anvil 350 lightning rod 125 daylight detector 80 inverted daylight detector 80 quartz block 100 quartz pillar 100 smooth quartz 85 nether quartz ore 125 smooth nether quartz 20 chiseled nether quartz 50 pillar nether quartz 50 dropper 75 glass pane 12.5 glass 24 prismarine 80 magma block 45 comparator 35 lectern 250 air 0 blackstone 12.5 polished blackstone 12.5 polished blackstone brick 12.5 white stained glass 20 orange stained glass 20 magenta stained glass 20 light blue stained glass 20 yellow stained glass 20 lime stained glass 20 pink stained glass 20 gray stained glass 20 light gray stained glass 20 cyan stained glass 20 purple stained glass 20 blue stained glass 20 brown stained glass 20 green stained glass 20 red stained glass 20 black stained glass 20 white stained glass pane 4.5 orange stained glass pane 4.5 magenta stained glass pane 4.5 light blue stained glass pane 4.5 yellow stained glass pane 4.5 lime stained glass pane 4.5 pink stained glass pane 4.5 gray stained glass pane 4.5 light gray stained glass pane 4.5 cyan stained glass pane 4.5 purple stained glass pane 4.5 blue stained glass pane 4.5 brown stained glass pane 4.5 green stained glass pane 4.5 red stained glass pane 4.5 black stained glass pane 4.5 white stained hardened clay 15 orange stained hardened clay 15 magenta stained hardened clay 15 light blue stained hardened clay 15 yellow stained hardened clay 15 lime stained hardened clay 15 pink stained hardened clay 15 gray stained hardened clay 15 light gray stained hardened clay 15 cyan stained hardened clay 15 purple stained hardened clay 15 blue stained hardened clay 15 brown stained hardened clay 15 green stained hardened clay 15 red stained hardened clay 15 black stained hardened clay 15 hardened clay 15 terracotta 15 white terracotta 15 orange terracotta 15 magenta terracotta 15 light blue terracotta 15 yellow terracotta 15 lime terracotta 15 pink terracotta 15 gray terracotta 15 light gray terracotta 15 cyan terracotta 15 purple terracotta 15 blue terracotta 15 brown terracotta 15 green terracotta 15 red terracotta 15 black terracotta 15 white glazed terracotta 35 orange glazed terracotta 35 magenta glazed terracotta 35 light blue glazed terracotta 35 yellow glazed terracotta 35 lime glazed terracotta 35 pink glazed terracotta 35 gray glazed terracotta 35 light gray glazed terracotta 35 cyan glazed terracotta 35 purple glazed terracotta 35 blue glazed terracotta 35 brown glazed terracotta 35 green glazed terracotta 35 red glazed terracotta 35 black glazed terracotta 35 white wool 7.5 orange wool 7.5 magenta wool 7.5 light blue wool 7.5 yellow wool 7.5 lime wool 7.5 pink wool 7.5 gray wool 7.5 light gray wool 7.5 cyan wool 7.5 purple wool 7.5 blue wool 7.5 brown wool 7.5 green wool 7.5 red wool 7.5 black wool 7.5 white carpet 1.25 orange carpet 1.25 magenta carpet 1.25 light blue carpet 1.25 yellow carpet 1.25 lime carpet 1.25 pink carpet 1.25 gray carpet 1.25 light gray carpet 1.25 cyan carpet 1.25 purple carpet 1.25 blue carpet 1.25 brown carpet 1.25 green carpet 1.25 red carpet 1.25 black carpet 1.25 oak slab 2.5 spruce slab 2.5 birch slab 2.5 jungle slab 2.5 acacia slab 2.5 dark oak slab 2.5 crimson slab 2.5 warped slab 2.5 stone slab 2.5 sandstone slab 2.5 petrified oak wooden slab 2.5 petrified oak slab 2.5 cobblestone slab 2.5 brick slab 2.5 stone brick slab 2.5 nether brick slab 2.5 nether quartz slab 2.5 red sandstone slab 2.5 purpur slab 2.5 raw prismarine slab 2.5 prismarine brick slab 2.5 dark prismarine slab 2.5 quartz slab 2.5 smooth stone slab 2.5 granite slab 2.5 diorite slab 2.5 andesite slab 2.5 polished granite slab 2.5 polished diorite slab 2.5 polished andesite slab 2.5 mossy stone brick slab 2.5 mossy cobblestone slab 2.5 smooth sandstone slab 2.5 smooth red sandstone slab 2.5 cut sandstone slab 2.5 cut red sandstone slab 2.5 cut sandstone 11.25 cut red sandstone 11.25 smooth quartz slab 2.5 red nether brick slab 2.5 end stone brick slab 2.5 blackstone slab 2.5 polished blackstone slab 2.5 polished blackstone brick slab 2.5 oak planks 1.5 spruce planks 1.5 birch planks 1.5 jungle planks 1.5 acacia planks 1.5 dark oak planks 1.5 crimson planks 1.5 warped planks 1.5 oak stripped wood 2.5 spruce stripped wood 2.5 birch stripped wood 2.5 jungle stripped wood 2.5 acacia stripped wood 2.5 dark oak stripped wood 2.5 crimson stripped hyphae 2.5 warped stripped hyphae 2.5 oak wood 2.5 spruce wood 2.5 birch wood 2.5 jungle wood 2.5 acacia wood 2.5 dark oak wood 2.5 crimson hyphae 2.5 warped hyphae 2.5 oak log 2.5 spruce log 2.5 birch log 2.5 jungle log 2.5 acacia log 2.5 dark oak log 2.5 crimson stem 2.5 warped stem 2.5 oak stripped log 2.5 spruce stripped log 2.5 birch stripped log 2.5 jungle stripped log 2.5 acacia stripped log 2.5 dark oak stripped log 2.5 crimson stripped stem 2.5 warped stripped stem 2.5 oak fence 4.75 spruce fence 4.75 birch fence 4.75 jungle fence 4.75 acacia fence 4.75 dark oak fence 4.75 nether brick fence 4.75 crimson fence 4.75 warped fence 4.75 oak fence gate 4.75 spruce fence gate 4.75 birch fence gate 4.75 jungle fence gate 4.75 acacia fence gate 4.75 dark oak fence gate 4.75 crimson fence gate 4.75 warped fence gate 4.75 oak stairs 7.5 spruce stairs 7.5 birch stairs 7.5 jungle stairs 7.5 acacia stairs 7.5 dark oak stairs 7.5 crimson stairs 7.5 warped stairs 7.5 cobblestone stairs 7.5 red brick stairs 7.5 stone brick stairs 7.5 nether brick stairs 7.5 nether quartz stairs 7.5 purpur stairs 7.5 sandstone stairs 7.5 red sandstone stairs 7.5 prismarine stairs 7.5 prismarine brick stairs 7.5 dark prismarine stairs 7.5 stone stairs 7.5 granite stairs 7.5 diorite stairs 7.5 andesite stairs 7.5 polished granite stairs 7.5 polished diorite stairs 7.5 polished andesite stairs 7.5 mossy stone brick stairs 7.5 mossy cobblestone stairs 7.5 smooth sandstone stairs 7.5 smooth red sandstone stairs 7.5 smooth quartz stairs 7.5 red nether brick stairs 7.5 end stone brick stairs 7.5 blackstone stairs 7.5 polished blackstone stairs 7.5 polished blackstone brick stairs 7.5 white wall banner 12.5 orange wall banner 12.5 magenta wall banner 12.5 light blue wall banner 12.5 yellow wall banner 12.5 lime wall banner 12.5 pink wall banner 12.5 gray wall banner 12.5 light gray wall banner 12.5 cyan wall banner 12.5 purple wall banner 12.5 blue wall banner 12.5 brown wall banner 12.5 green wall banner 12.5 red wall banner 12.5 black wall banner 12.5 white standing banner 12.5 orange standing banner 12.5 magenta standing banner 12.5 light blue standing banner 12.5 yellow standing banner 12.5 lime standing banner 12.5 pink standing banner 12.5 gray standing banner 12.5 light gray standing banner 12.5 cyan standing banner 12.5 purple standing banner 12.5 blue standing banner 12.5 brown standing banner 12.5 green standing banner 12.5 red standing banner 12.5 black standing banner 12.5 white banner 12.5 orange banner 12.5 magenta banner 12.5 light blue banner 12.5 yellow banner 12.5 lime banner 12.5 pink banner 12.5 gray banner 12.5 light gray banner 12.5 cyan banner 12.5 purple banner 12.5 blue banner 12.5 brown banner 12.5 green banner 12.5 red banner 12.5 black banner 12.5 oak sign 2 birch sign 2 jungle sign 2 spruce sign 2 acacia sign 2 dark oak sign 2 crimson sign 2 warped sign 2 white bed 75 orange bed 75 magenta bed 75 light blue bed 75 yellow bed 75 lime bed 75 pink bed 75 gray bed 75 light gray bed 75 cyan bed 75 purple bed 75 blue bed 75 brown bed 75 green bed 75 red bed 75 black bed 75 white concrete 14.5 orange concrete 14.5 magenta concrete 14.5 light blue concrete 14.5 yellow concrete 14.5 lime concrete 14.5 pink concrete 14.5 gray concrete 14.5 light gray concrete 14.5 cyan concrete 14.5 purple concrete 14.5 blue concrete 14.5 brown concrete 14.5 green concrete 14.5 red concrete 14.5 black concrete 14.5 white concrete powder 7.5 orange concrete powder 7.5 magenta concrete powder 7.5 light blue concrete powder 7.5 yellow concrete powder 7.5 lime concrete powder 7.5 pink concrete powder 7.5 gray concrete powder 7.5 light gray concrete powder 7.5 cyan concrete powder 7.5 purple concrete powder 7.5 blue concrete powder 7.5 brown concrete powder 7.5 green concrete powder 7.5 red concrete powder 7.5 black concrete powder 7.5